Mouse/Mammal Retroviruses in birds, how they got into birds, and how they are spreading! I am the original source for finding, detailing, explaining the information below. I transferred this from my various e-mails, postings and researched online sources. ----------------------------------------------- Original E-mail I sent: Sun 10/11/2015 3:32 PM I sent this in an e-mail before the patient community and researchers knew which vaccines were attenuated in which animals sources. I'm putting it on this page because eggs are one of those things: Embryonated eggs The pdf is the guidelines the FDA manufacture guidelines page 6: 1. Vaccine Purity - The regulations, in 21 CFR 610.13, state in part that “Products shall be free of extraneous material except that which is unavoidable in the manufacturing process described in the approved biologics license application.” In 21 CFR 600.3(r), purity is defined as the “relative freedom from extraneous matter in the finished product, whether or not harmful to the recipient or deleterious to the product.” Live attenuated viruses, whole inactivated virions, or virus-like particles often cannot be purified as rigorously as viral subunit vaccines; as a consequence, the potential for contamination is greater than that of subunit vaccines. Generation of live viral vaccines often involves cell disruption, which may add cellular components to the vaccine bulk. In addition, such vaccines often are minimally purified and are not subjected to inactivation steps. Comprehensive testing and qualification of the biological starting materials and lot-by-lot testing for adventitious agents are particularly important because it is not possible for a manufacturer of live viral vaccines to validate the process for clearance of adventitious agents. Guidances/Vaccines/UCM202439.pdf Examples of "live" (example attenuated) vaccines include: Viral: measles vaccine, mumps vaccine, rubella vaccine, Live attenuated influenza vaccine (the seasonal flu nasal spray and the 2009 H1N1 flu nasal spray), chicken pox vaccine, oral polio vaccine(Sabin), rotavirus vaccine, and yellow fever vaccine.[2] Rabies vaccines are now available in two different attenuated forms, one for use in humans, and one for animal usage. Bacterial: BCG vaccine,[2] typhoid vaccine[3] and epidemic typhus vaccine. Development Viruses may be attenuated via passage of the virus through a foreign host, such as: Tissue culture Embryonated eggs Live animals ------------------------------------------------------------- Robyn Erland updated her status on facebook. Aug 4, 2018 1:36pm Xenotransplantation, FDA Biological/manufacturing guidelines, infected &mislabeled cell lines (used for biologicals and in research), Asia vaccines to include JE mousebrain (1930's and beyond) and HIV vax clinical trial info from the 1980's, HPV research and trials related to Bill Reeves, Beth Unger/WHO, and the Lowe HPV vaccine patent information I located, also the recent bird/egg/genome REV mlvs detailed papers I located. ------------------------------ Robyn Erland updated her status. April 20, 2018 10:22am As many know I've gained much information in my searches into xenotransplantation, infected cell lines and found the nightmare of the JE mousebrain vaccines given to all in Asia which started in 1931. I also found the HIV vaccine nightmares that have also been going on since the 80's. There is actually a contest to see who can come up with the first vaccine. Safety studies meant nothing since no one can be sued since the 80's. Who knew? Well Fauci and Gallo do. These HIV vaccine trials have resulted in the infections of multi strain HIV that is now spreading through several countries and another lab created strain which is resistant to the antiretroviral meds. Wow what a mess they've made and continue with all the retroviral vectors also being used. I also found the mess of Reeves, Unger, and Vernon and the HPV fraud research of Panama prostitutes in the 90's. This research along with that of Australia's led the NCI to develop the first HPV VLP virus like particle vaccines that are now giving young women ME/CFS or in some cases death. Thank researcher Lowe and NIAID for sickening the kids at puberty. I was also the one who found the information and reported that almost all birds are infected with mammalian airborne retroviruses that are coming from animal vaccines. These retroviruses are called REV's and one of them REV strain C is from an MLV/mouse. This means they are also in the genomes of eggs used for Flu and other vaccines. It took alot of time, actually years to research all of these things, but it was well worth it as I developed a clear understanding of everything, and timelines of when these things were done and explained it all. I came to the conclusion most was done for greed and power. They also always knew that zoonosis could cause the problems we are now seeing. But it was the XMRV Science paper research that led other researchers to look into and found these retroviruses became airborne, which resulted in cell line and blood supply contaminations and retroviral recombinations. Contaminations that have been going on for decades which also resulted in 6% of the public becoming infected. That was in 2009 and I'm sure it's gone up much more since then. So with my online data researching and finding much of the information I've reported about, along with my writing about it for years in an understandable way, it allowed several to also seek out the meds and supplements that for help. All of my writing over the years was so worth it as many have recovered or are in the process and have achieved some level of recovery. I dug up and wrote about everything I could find related to retroviral infections/xenotransplantation, rather then let everything just be forgotten and buried with the NIH and WPI cover up, I made it my quest as an XMRV positive to not only keep all of this out in focus but to report all the additional information I found in my searches, and to also keep reporting on the medications/supps that are resulting in these recoveries. Also if anyone tells you that people can be recovered without the antiretrovirals I have seen no proof of that. The proof is in the fact people who I know to have been bedridden are up and moving now and that is because of ARVS. This is why Lipkin is still saying Oh we can't be given dangerous antiretrovirals. For one how are they dangerous when they are given to infants with HIV and to healthy people to prevent it? He knows that like these recovered patients, that if we all had gotten the meds in 2010 it would have proved causation back then. He chose to help cover up their lab recombinations mess and allow for the deaths and continued suffering of MANY! The proof is in the recovery of the patients on the antiretrovirals. Here's the list so far and I will keep reporting these recoveries as I'm alerted to them. The meds that are or have been used in individual or combos are Viread-Tenofovir is the generic form, Truvada, Raltegrivir, AZT, I will always report the truth and there is much more yet to come. As I have always said: "the truth is in the footprint that's always left behind": US - 23 patients UK/France - 5 Germany - 3 Hong Kong - 1 My one regret is that even with the knowledge I have gained since 2009 it is too late to help save some of my family members. But the next 2 generations now have hope and knowledge of the medications that can help them should they become ill. Something we did not, as until Mikovits/Ruscetti and their teams paper came out in 2009, we had no clue what was making us ill. We were stigmatized by the research and medical communities and told that our "NON HIV-AIDS" was all in our heads, and that we could "think" ourselves well. While they all made money off bogus CBT/GET research for our illness and garbage depression drugs. Such a horrible thing done to several generations of innocent people. My generation and that of my parents will be lost! But at least several patients have been saved and we know the truth about what was done to us all! ------------------------------- Robyn Erland shared a link. March 11, 2018 11:54 am The Mongoose, the Pheasant, the Pox, and the Retrovirus About those REV Mammalian retroviruses found in birds. They've been using them for years in research and in the development and delivery of replication vectors for gene and other therapies. And Coffin and Stoye say these retroviruses need to be carefully watched for retroviral transmission. Here's one of the quotes from the previous article posted. And it's a bit late since these retroviruses are being used to produce fast replicating vectors for gene therapies and surely vaccine delivery: "Since its transmission to birds, REV has been spreading like wildfire. It has even become integrated into two different large DNA bird viruses—fowl poxvirus and gallid herpesvirus 2—generating new recombinant strains that today circulate in wild birds and poultry. “In a very short period of time the disease has became quite widespread,” said Jonathan Stoye, a researcher at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research in London. “It indicates that retroviral transmission needs to be taken seriously.” Check the above paper paper out on the multiple uses of REV retroviruses (The REV strain T we know is an MLV as I detailed that in a previous posting. they are also using these retroviruses to make cell lines for gene and other therapies. Think lab contamination/recombinations): -------------------------------------- Scientific Advances Using the Reticuloendotheliosis Viruses While the main text describes the origins of the reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) and its close relatives as pathogens, the study of these retroviruses has also contributed to several areas of basic science and basic virology. The original description of REV was from a tumor taken from a turkey that contained two viruses. One, REV-A, was replication-competent, and the other, REV-T, was defective, but carried an oncogene called Rel that allowed it to transform cells [23],[24]. Rel, it turns out, is a key component in the innate immune signaling pathway [25], as a component of the NF-κB transcription factor [26]. The late Howard Temin adopted REV and related viruses as model systems to describe, among many other phenomena, the kinetics of retroviral infections [27], the derivation of cell lines for making gene therapy vectors [28], and retrovirus mutation and recombination rates [29],[30]. ----------------------------------------- Robyn Erland posted in Facebook status March 9 2018 8:45m RE© We've said all along the mouse retroviruses are in the cell lines. And now John Coffin and Jonathan Stoye discuss the fact they are also in VACCINES! The plot thickens and John Coffin and Jonathan Stoye weigh in on the fact a gammaretrovirus is widespread in birds and found to come from a cell line that had been sent everywhere for decades to try and make a malaria vaccine. The ME patient community know the TRUTH! And so does John Coffin and Jonathan Stoye, they know exactly the reason a mouse gammaretrovirus wound up in birds and has been circulating in many birds in the wild (and cell lines used to make vaccines) since the 30's! " the source of REV infection in these animals was deemed to be contaminated stocks of Plasmodium lophurae—a malarial parasite." You see because of the Research done by the XMRV Science paper team, it was realized that these MLV (HIV like) retroviruses become AIRBORNE in labs and transmit into other cell lines used to make vaccines. According to this paper from 2013, Coffin and Stoye seem oh so shocked that a mammal mlv retrovirus has been circulating in birds and in the cell line that was sent to many labs around the world since the 30's. They are not shocked, they know the truth because they both helped to cover up the XMRV mouse infectious retrovirus data!!! From this 2013 paper, and seriously they are just now attempting to try and figure out how test for these infectious retroviruses in vaccines?? The Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory agencies are developing viral monitoring standards “so that manufacturers of human vaccines and other biologicals can start testing their products. Since its transmission to birds, REV has been spreading like wildfire. It has even become integrated into two different large DNA bird viruses—fowl poxvirus and gallid herpesvirus 2—generating new recombinant strains that today circulate in wild birds and poultry. “In a very short period of time the disease has became quite widespread,” said Jonathan Stoye, a researcher at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research in London. “It indicates that retroviral transmission needs to be taken seriously.” Here's the article: A report published today (August 27) in PLOS Biology tells the surprising story of reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) evolution and how, in the 1930s, unwitting malaria researchers were most likely responsible for transmitting REV from mammals to birds. The report highlights the importance of modern-day virus monitoring to limit potentially adverse transmission effects. “It’s a very interesting story. That malarial research could have led to zoonosis from mammal to bird is pretty surprising,” said Eric Delwart, a professor of laboratory medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved in the research. “It’s basically an example of a contamination that went rogue . . . and extraordinary bad luck.” Retroviruses integrate into genomic DNA of host cells to borrow the cells’ transcription machinery and replicate. On occasion, such integration events happen in germline cells—such as sperm and eggs—and can thus be passed on to offspring, forever changing the host genome. Scientists like Robert Gifford, a professor at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in New York City, examine these integrated viral sequences—or viral fossils—in animals’ genomes to investigate the evolutionary history of viruses. While studying the viral fossils of Madagascan mammals, Gifford made a surprising discovery. “We turned up this sequence in the ring-tailed mongoose genome that was very closely related to REV,” he said. REV is a retrovirus that infects poultry and wild game birds, causing an array of disease symptoms, including anemia, immunosuppression, and the production of runts. Evidence from genome sequencing studies had suggested that it originated in mammals, but most sequence similarities mapped only to fragments of REV. Because of these fragmented similarities, “I had always assumed, as had probably other virologists, that these viruses had been circulating in birds for a long time,” said John Coffin, a professor of molecular biology and microbiology at Tufts University in Boston, who also was not involved in the work. The copies of REV fossils Gifford found in two species of mongoose, however, showed full length similarity to bird REVs. “It made us curious because it is very unusual to have an avian retrovirus be so closely related to a mammalian retrovirus,” he said. “It suggested that there had been a transmission quite recently.” Indeed, the exchange turned out to have occurred less than a century ago. After finding the REV sequences in mongoose, and a paper desribing a full-length REV in the egg-laying mammal echidna, Gifford analyzed the genomes of another 42 mammalian species, again finding nothing but REV fragments. He then analyzed the sequences of all known REVs isolated from birds to determine which were most similar to the mongoose and echidna REVs, and therefore, which species was likely to have been infected first. The most similar bird REVs were two that had been isolated separately from ducks—one in 1959, the other in 1972. Importantly, the source of REV infection in these animals was deemed to be contaminated stocks of Plasmodium lophurae—a malarial parasite. In fact, evidence of a then-unknown infectious agent contaminating stocks of P. Iophurae had surfaced as early as 1941. Continuing the historical detective work, Gifford discovered that P. lophurae had been isolated just once, in 1937, from a Bornean Crested Firebacked pheasant at the New York Zoological Park (now the Bronx Zoo). Researchers planned to use this bird parasite as a model for studying human malaria, and after isolating it from pheasant, they had passaged the parasite in chickens for mass production. Exactly how the Bornean pheasant, or the chickens in which P. iophurae was passaged, became infected with a retrovirus from a mammal remains a mystery. The close proximity of exotic animal species in the zoo might have been to blame for the initial infection, Gifford said, but it’s likely that the repeated passaging in chickens provided the virus with the ideal opportunity to adapt to its new avian host. Since its transmission to birds, REV has been spreading like wildfire. It has even become integrated into two different large DNA bird viruses—fowl poxvirus and gallid herpesvirus 2—generating new recombinant strains that today circulate in wild birds and poultry. “In a very short period of time the disease has became quite widespread,” said Jonathan Stoye, a researcher at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research in London. “It indicates that retroviral transmission needs to be taken seriously.” Although such transmissions are likely to be rare, and standards for detecting extraneous infectious agents have dramatically improved since the 1930s, Delwart added that the Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory agencies are developing viral monitoring standards “so that manufacturers of human vaccines and other biologicals can start testing their products.” -------------------------------- Robyn Erland shared a link on facebook. March 7 2018 1:25 2018 I know I keep going on about this but I just can't believe my eyes and keep finding more. It is something we all need to know since they KNOW the animals vaccines are contaminated with MLV's and other mammal gammaretroviruses and deltaretroviruses. They had no clue this was happening until 1958 in these bird vaccines and it STILL IS. They also had no idea the retroviruses could become airborne, but they always knew xenotransplantation could produce zoonosis and create new infectious retroviruses, or start replicating once in their new host. That's why they monitor people receiving animal cells for life. And they have also found the MLV retroviruses in the human cells lines used to make biologicals including vaccines. In this paper researchers found that birds inoculated with REV strain T mlv had a lower immune response to vaccination and developed tumors. Uh ya think so?? the attached paper is form 1979 tests using REV MLV Strain T, the MLV gamma coming from the bird contaminated vaccines: ---------------------------------- Robyn Erland shared a link on facebook March 5, 2018 11:01am Detection of reticuloendotheliosis virus as a contaminant of fowl pox vaccines | Poultry Science | Oxford Academic © Just so everyone understands what all this means about the fact researchers found an infectious MLV retrovirus in chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, quails and other birds. the researchers sequenced the retrovirus from the connective tissue of the birds. They also took an electron microscopy picture of it. The paper says the mlv finding they call reticuloendotheliosis virus stand (T) was unexpectedly found and is not one of the other typical avian retroviruses they can carry. The retrovirus is also highly transmissible both vertically and horizontally. It spreads in birds and the worst problems are in Asia. The poultry regulations also states they make no changes for commercial consumption other then destroying sick birds as they die. The birds that die sooner most likely have another avian retrovirus which when recombines with this MLV causes a recombinant type, that leads to immediate immune system destruction shutting down the immune system or produces tumors or leukemia/lymphomas. It would be like mixing HIV and an infectious MLV, which would do the same type of damage quickly. And the naming of the retrovirus is quite appropriate since animals (and people have what's called a reticulo endothelial system). I provided a picture of this system in humans in my previous posting. The reticulo endothelial cells are throughout the body from the brain microlia, the liver, lungs, bone, spinal fluid, and all through the complete lymphatic and connective tissue systems. They actually found the mlv in the birds connective tissue then sequenced it as I stated before. Because of the commercial interests of both the meat, poultry, and egg markets they do nothing except kill the animals. This doesn't stop the spread since it's been going on since the 30's via injection of the birds with contaminated vaccines, which they admit too and said all vaccines should be tested. The retroviruses would also be in their offsprings genomes and the eggs used for vaccines. So Hillary Johnson's statement: "A Disease able to Affect the Economies of Nations!" really explains what's going on here. These retroviruses are in the animals, in the food, in the cancer immunotherapies therapies, in the gene therapies, in the vaccines and are in people. They don't want to retrofit labs to keep the animals cells away for the human cells, and they inject the retroviral vectors directly into people's cells with immunotherapies and vaccines anyway. This is billions of dollars of profits for them and pharma using the retroviruses. And it would bankrupt the economies if they admitted their mistakes, and had to pay restitution to all they've sicked and who've died. We know it was 6% in 2010 who have been sickened from these lab created frankenstein retroviruses. It's probably way more now as well as those set to be inoculated in future generations. If there will be any future generations. ----------------------------- It's also not just the human vaccines that are contaminated with mlv and other retroviruses. They are also and have been in the animals vaccines since the 30's, possibly before that. This study looked for the REV retrovirus in birds in 2010. John Coffin, Harold Varmus and all of them knew that xenotransplantation, which is the using of animals cells which can create infectious retroviruses and go unnoticed for decades and could cause illnesses and cancers we are seeing rampant now. They did it anyway and it's getting worse with the use of the retroviruses and VLP's in many knew vaccines, gene therapy and cancer immunotherapy. And it that weren't bad enough these retroviruses are and have been in the food supply. Now we see they found another in 1958 an mlv retrovirus in birds such as turkey's and chickens (that means they are in the egg genomes too). With the MLV retrovirus being inoculated into poultry it means it makes it to the food supply. And the BLV retrovirus is also in the food supply since 80% of the cows carry it. The good news is when exposed via eaten in food the body can break down the retroviruses. The bad news is when the retroviruses are injected directly into the lymphatic system. This is a major concern with vaccine made in EGGS (The MMR vaccine also is). This is especially concerning since Dir Fauci of the NIAID is planning universal flu vaccines. Judging from his work in HIV vaccines this is a very scary thought. Because as we also know they have multi strain HIV's running rampant in all of Asia, the Phillipines, Moscow, and Cuba. They also have been injecting mousebrain JE vaccines in all of Asia since the 30's which are filled with mouse mlv retroviruses. HIV mixed with MLV is not a good combination.Those HIV failed vacines worked out real well didn't it Fauci? I guess for buying those expensive suits anyway! One other thing I found was a book that shows brucellosis is also widespread in animals. It's also in the cows and running rampant in people living in places like India and Saudi Arabia. It's because of failed vaccines and for people there drinking raw milk. So now we know there is brucellosis and BLV in cows. Not good either! Click this link to see the nightmare of brucellosis: -------------------------- Depression of Vaccinal Immunity to Marek's Disease by Infection with Reticuloendotheliosis Virus "The REV-induced depression of immune responses was more severe in chickens infected with mildly pathogenic strain T than in chickens infected with the apathogenic strain CS and was generally transient with both virus strains." "Reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV), a C-type retrovirus unrelated to viruses of the avian leukosis-sarcoma group, has long been associated with MD. The CS strain was originally isolated from chickens with MD (9), and several strains were found to cause nerve lesions similar to those of MD (51). More recently, REVs have been found as contaminants of MD vaccines in Japan (22) and Australia (19), situations that have had major economic impact in these countries. Natural hosts for this virus include chickens (1, 23), turkeys (38), and other avian species (37). Chickens infected with REV showed severe atrophy of bursa and thymus (27) and depressed humoral immune responses" "RESULTS Virological and pathological responses. Both high and low doses of REV induced transient viremia leading to antibody production in most chickens;" "strain T induced no mortality but some lesions. Many of these chick-ens inoculated with strain T had reduced bodyweights, enlarged peripheral nerves, atrophy of bursa and thymus, or abnormal feathering. Lesion induction appeared directly related to virus dose, and the lesion frequency declined markedlybetween day 36 and 83. The pathogenicity of these low-virulence strains is in agreement with that reported by us previously (35, 51) and is lower than that of virulent preparations of strain T maintained by passage in vivo (42, 47). In aggregate, 40 of 70 chickens inoculated with a high dose of strain T developed gross MD lesions compared to only 8 of 69 REV-free, vaccinated and MD-challenged control chickens. Protective indices were not depressed in chickens inoculated with low doses of strains CS or T. However, these data provide clear evidence for an inhibitory role of high doses of these low-virulence REV strains on MD vaccinal immunity as measured by lymphoproliferative lesion induction. ---------------------------- Robyn Erland shared a link on facebook. March 3, 2018 11:08am Here's to the PLOS ONE paper that figured this out about the gammaretrovirus contaminated malaria vaccine cell line and the widespread infections of many birds for decades. I've put the paper out before but just found this article with Coffin and Stoye. The Extraordinary Evolutionary History of the Reticuloendotheliosis Viruses © RE - About those flu vaccines made in chicken eggs. What I've found is very interesting and scary about using eggs for all those flu vaccines over the years. So researchers have found there is a mammalian retrovirus that is in the gammaretrovirus MLV family found in poultry. This retrovirus becomes an avian "bird" retrovirus once in the birds. It is also shown to cause immune suppression, leukemia, lymphoma, and tumors in the birds. The research articles show this retrovirus would up in poultry they say in the 1930's. (Interesting that is also when they started using mouse brains in vaccines). Below they claim the mlv retrovirus was introduced into poultry "avian" hosts while doing malaria parasite studies in labs in the 30's. Remember how the mlv's can seep into cell lines and also spread via the airing on surfaces in the labs??? They named the bird virus that is produced from this mlv mammalian retrovirus " Reticuloendotheliosis virus. They also believe that vaccinating birds has also introduced the mlv into birds. Papers also show this retrovirus can be spread both vertically and horizontally. So it will be in the genome of birds and their eggs. Reticuloendotheliosis viruses (REVs) are a group of viruses in the family Retroviridae, specifically gammaretroviruses (mlv) in the same genus as mammalian C-type retroviruses "Reticuloendotheliosis viruses are mammalian retroviruses that were transmitted to avian hosts through inadvertent human intervention, and subsequently integrated their genetic material into the genomes of large DNA viruses, generating novel recombinant pathogens that now circulate naturally in poultry Historical investigation to determine the origin of a group of avian retroviruses called reticuloendotheliosis viruses (REVs). We present evidence to demonstrate that rather than arising from natural infections of birds, REVs are in fact derived from mammalian retroviruses that were accidentally introduced into avian hosts during experimental studies of a malaria parasite in the late 1930s. Remarkably, REVs have subsequently inserted into the genomes of two large DNA viruses that infect birds, generating chimeric viruses that now circulate naturally in poultry and wild birds." Retroviruses are characterized by their ability to insert a DNA copy of their genome into the chromosomes of infected cells. this paper also just published: Reticuloendotheliosis Virus Inhibits the Immune Response Acting on Lymphocytes from Peripheral Blood of Chickens - Chicken reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) causes the atrophy of immune organs and immuno-suppression. The pathogenic mechanisms of REV are poorly understood. --------------------------------------------- From an e-mail I sent on: Thur 9/24/2015 7:42 PM My words: "They mixed bovine leukemia virus and moloney murine leukemia viruses together for gene therapy" J Gen Virol. 1989 Aug;70 ( Pt 8):1987-93. Bovine leukaemia virus packaging cell line for retrovirus-mediated gene transfer. Ban J1, First NL, Temin HM. Author information Abstract Retroviral packaging cell lines were constructed by using the gag-pol gene of spleen necrosis virus, the gag-pol gene of Moloney murine leukaemia virus and the env gene of bovine leukaemia virus. The plasmids containing the gag-pol genes and the plasmid containing the env gene were cotransfected into NIH/3T3 and D17 cells. The cells containing the helper virus constructs were tested for their ability to package replication-defective murine leukaemia and avian reticuloendotheliosis retrovirus vectors. The titre of vector virus produced by each of the retroviral packaging cell lines was about 10(2) colony-forming units per ml of medium. Tests for events that might result in intact replication-competent retroviruses showed no evidence for the generation of such viruses. The vector viruses were able to infect dog and rat cells. Bovine cells were infected only after their cocultivation with the retroviral packaging cell lines producing murine leukaemia virus vectors, perhaps as a result of a low concentration of receptors. ------------------------------------------------------------------ A leukosis in turkeys associated with infection with reticuloendotheliosis virus J.S McDougall , P.M. Biggs & R.W. Shilleto To cite this article: J.S McDougall , P.M. Biggs & R.W. Shilleto (1978) A leukosis in turkeys associated with infection with reticuloendotheliosis virus, Avian Pathology, 7:4, 557-568, DOI: 10.1080/03079457808418310 INTRODUCTION Reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) was first isolated in 1958 from a turkey with leukosis- like lesions (Robinson and Tweihaus, 1974). This prototype virus, subsequently desig- nated REV strain T, produces lymphoproliferative lesions when inoculated into chickens, turkeys and Japanese quail (Theilen et al., 1966) and also in ducks, pheasants and guinea fowl (Taylor and Olson, 1972). Since the original isolation, viruses of the REV group have been associated with a naturally occurring neoplastic disease, referred to as turkey leukosis. Antibodies to REV have been detected in two turkey flocks (Purchase et aL, 1973). More recently Paul et al. (1976) isolated REV from two outbreaks of turkey leukosis and reproduced the disease in turkeys by inoculation of cell free fil- trates. Solomon et al. (1976) also isolated REV from three turkey flocks, two of which had a history of mortality from neoplastic disease. During 1975 leukosis occurred in a turkey breeding organisation in England. The clinical and pathological features of this disease differed from those of the lymphoproliferative disease (LPD) previously repor- ted by Biggs et al. (1974 and 1978) and a REV was isolated from turkeys with this syndrome. This report presents a description of the syndrome and its transmission. ------------------------------------------------------------------ More On this to come... |
Mouse/Mammal Retroviruses in birds
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My story and why I became involved in the study of XMRV/MLV retroviruses and other associated areas of research
My Path Psalm 119:105 105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. ...
My Path Psalm 119:105 105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. ...