Friday, May 3, 2019

My story and why I became involved in the study of XMRV/MLV retroviruses and other associated areas of research

My Path 

Psalm 119:105 

105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. 

I became ill with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia in 1995 after a viral respiratory infection. I never recovered. Pain and multiple symptoms became my way of life as I started into my early 30's. As a single mother I had to work to keep a roof over my son and my head. It has not been easy, but I have been able to continue working thanks to very supportive managers and coworkers who understand my illness. I have also spent numerous hours for the past 10 years researching and detailing everything I found and came to understand with retroviruses and associated areas. I did this to help my family, patients, researchers, and advocates within the ME/CFS and other retroviral associated illness communities.

In early 2009 I saw an article come out about a new discovery found in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. I made a note of the institute and researcher who said the information would be coming soon. I held that note which I kept on my desk for several months. Then the information finally came out in October 2009. It was reported that an HIV like retrovirus was found in the blood of CFS patients, and the paper was published by Science the Journal. The discovery was an infectious mouse gamma retrovirus which was known to cause neuro/auto-immune illnesses and cancers in mice. The same was possible for humans. 

I contacted Judy Mikovits of the WPI institute and we struck up a friendship. I told her about my family who have all been stricken with various illnesses and cancers. These include my father who had Parkinson’s and recently died after a flu vaccine induced an autoimmune disease resulting in sepsis, my mother who had breast cancer, my oldest sister who is now deceased from a brain stem bleed and also suffered from the same illness as I, my oldest brother also deceased died from leukemia as a child, another brother suffers from Graves’ disease and had a heart attack in his early 40's, another brother a gulf war vet suffered seizures after the anthrax vaccines, and recently was cured from colon cancer, and my son who suffers from mild symptoms of my illness. I did this research, detailing and documentation for my son and grandchildren who are also at risk for these related retroviral illnesses. So that they will have the knowledge to guide them in staying healthy and have the tools to heal them should they become ill. I also did this work to help the suffering people and to try and stop more infections by providing the information.

After hearing about my family Judy wanted me to be tested for the retrovirus. My mother and my blood were drawn at my house by the phlebotomists she was working with, for the NIH grant funded family study. Several months later I received my results. I was positive by culture and serology. It explained so much and I will be forever grateful to her for giving me the answer to what had taken the life I had previously known. If not for that I would have lived and died never knowing what had made me so very ill and had changed my life forever. 

It is because of the knowledge of what had sickened me that led me to, and kept me on this path since 2009.  A path to learn as much as I could about these retroviruses, and to fight however I could to try and help others who are sickened. My efforts are to hopefully help stop other families from going through what my family has. I have found, and explained much about all the information I have discovered over the years what was done in retroviral research areas, and with biologicals. Things no one in these retroviral associated illness groups, or anyone could have ever imagined had been done which sickened so many people. I am the original source on specific information found, which I have been writing about within and for the ME/CFS and retroviral associated illness groups. 

This blog is a detailed account of my family and my journey with these illnesses and suffering, along with the timestamps as proof of everything I researched, detailed, explained, and contain my original copies of my documented work, writings, e-mails, social media and other postings. I will be adding each subject area of my online and other research, explanations, ideas, and my conclusions page by page detailing various areas of my work that are already online. This way all of this information can also be accessed in one place. It will be a work in progress because I have 10 years of my work to format onto my blog from all my files, e-mails, Facebook and other postings. 

So far I have added several pages of my work, soon to be published, as I finish up formatting them to my blog. The pages contain my postings, explanations, and conclusions from the past 10 years. My work consists of what I discovered from various online sources and information, and from my files and e-mails containing various subject areas which include, but are not limited to: XMRV/PMLV retroviruses, Bovine Leukemia Virus - BLV retroviruses in cows and the food supply since the 80’s, JE Mouse brain biologicals/vaccines started in 1930, Nano-filter paper for biologicals, IOM detailing of the implementation for associated illnesses, contaminated and mislabeled cell lines, HIV vaccines starting from the 80's, Equine Infectious Anemia EIAV Virus known as horse HIV, NCI development of the first HPV VLP "virus like particle" vaccines. Researcher Lowe at NCI holds patent on some HPV vaccines currently in use today, FDA biological information and Xenotransplantation (mixing of human/animal cells and parts), Avian retroviruses in birds, their genomes, and eggs coming from mouse and mammals - starting in 1930, and others (I will list each additional area of research I’ve found and detailed, as I find them within my files, postings and e-mails). I am the original source for finding, reporting, explaining, compiling of facts and data that I specifically reference, as well as documenting my ideas and conclusions as detailed in my work and on this blog. For the ME/CFS and other retroviral associated illness groups starting from 2009. 

I will be adding each page as I'm able to, and much of the information I have saved from my researching is no longer accessible online because it has been removed over the years. I will also put up a page of the various supplements and things that have helped myself and others who suffer from these illnesses. If I update or add pages, I will let everyone know on my social media platforms. I hope my work, explanations and conclusions will be helpful to many.

I hold copyright on all my work. Any use requires my permission and should contain proper attributes. 

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My story and why I became involved in the study of XMRV/MLV retroviruses and other associated areas of research

My Path  Psalm 119:105  105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.  ...