Also see below various scientific studies, articles, and information. I personally make no claims regarding these products for the treatment of any illnesses as I'm not a medical professional. I tried the tea years ago with no side effects. I was given the link to the capsule formulation which is currently being used by others in the ME/CFS and Lyme communities. Cistus Incanus and other products can be found here:,
Here are links for the capsules:
Organic Cistus Incanus 100 Capsules 400mg Bio Organique Herb
by NatVita
Here is the information for the tea:
BioPure - Cistus Loose Herbal Tea - Polyphenol Rich Immune and Antioxidant Support - 100 Grams
by BioPure
Cistus Tea on Amazon:
There are several scientific studies and articles published on Cistus Incanus, To include: (HIV/retrovirus, Lyme and other potential uses for).
Here is an open access paper for Cistus and HIV1/ HIV 2:
Article | Open Access | Published: 02 February 2016
Potent in vitro antiviral activity of Cistus incanus extract against HIV and Filoviruses targets viral envelope proteins
Scientific Reports volume 6, Article number: 20394 (2016)
Novel therapeutic options are urgently needed to improve global treatment of virus infections. Herbal products with confirmed clinical safety features are attractive starting material for the identification of new antiviral activities. Here we demonstrate that Cistus incanus (Ci) herbal products inhibit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections in vitro. Ci extract inhibited clinical HIV-1 and HIV-2 isolates, and, importantly, a virus isolate with multiple drug resistances, confirming broad anti-HIV activity. Antiviral activity was highly selective for virus particles, preventing primary attachment of the virus to the cell surface and viral envelope proteins from binding to heparin. Bioassay-guided fractionation indicated that Ci extract contains numerous antiviral compounds and therefore has favorably low propensity to induce virus resistance. Indeed, no resistant viruses emerged during 24 weeks of continuous propagation of the virus in the presence of Ci extracts. Finally, Ci extracts also inhibited infection by virus particles pseudotyped with Ebola and Marburg virus envelope proteins, indicating that antiviral activity of Ci extract extends to emerging viral pathogens. These results demonstrate that Ci extracts show potent and broad in vitro antiviral activity against viruses that cause life-threatening diseases in humans and are promising sources of agents that target virus particles.
Sardinian Cistus Incanus: A simple treatment of many – if not most – chronic illnesses?
Here are links for Dr. Klinghardt's Featured article and Product of the Month (March- April 2018) - Cistus Incanus. A video is also included on the page:
Dr. Klinghardt's page includes a case study: 29 year old woman diagnosed with Lyme disease, ME, POTS and Leaky Gut
Case study:
A case from my Swiss practice (Swiss BioHealth): a 29 year old woman was mostly confined to bed for the last 8 years. She was diagnosed with Lyme disease, ME, POTS and Leaky Gut, and had been on multiple antibiotic regimes before coming to my care. She was highly sensitive to almost anything taken orally and restricted to only 3 foods she could eat. She was depressed and her parents had run out of money unable to support her beyond her immediate needs. I started her on ½ capsule MegaSPore Biotic until her food sensitivities improved and she could expand her food choices. We increased the MegaSPore to 2 caps/day. Then we added the Stevia-sweetened Sardinian Cistus tea. At first she could only tolerate 1 tablespoon twice daily (she kept the prepared tea in the fridge), and we slowly increased the dosage.
Over a 3-month period she was able to drink the recommended 6 cups/day and reported, that with each increase of dose, symptoms she had for years “fell away” – first the nausea, then the insomnia improved and the anxiety lessened, then the brain fog lifted, then the muscle and joint pain disappeared, then she was able to walk increasingly long distances. When I saw her again 6 months later she was basically fully recovered. At that time we needed to do some psychological interventions (PK, MFT) to deal with her remaining low level depression, which responded beautifully to identifying a “systemic issue” and bringing some healing to it: her mother had lost a sister very early in her life. I have also seen beautiful outcomes in children with autism and ADHD, adults with ME, food intolerances, MS, a case of breast cancer, most patients with Lyme….
to date, my clinical work with wild harvested pure Sardinian Cistus tea and whole leaf Stevia is the least invasive yet most effective treatment for Lyme disease and many other modern chronic illnesses, caused by persistent and hidden infections.
Here are links to more studies:
Cistus incanus from Strandja Mountain as a Source of Bioactive Antioxidants
Vanya Dimcheva, Maria Karsheva
Plants (Basel) 2018 Mar; 7(1): 8. Published online 2018 Jan 26. doi: 10.3390/plants7010008
Characterisation and Antioxidant Activity of Crude Extract and Polyphenolic Rich Fractions from C. incanus Leaves
Antonella Gori,1,2 Francesco Ferrini,1 Maria Cristina Marzano,1 Massimiliano Tattini,3 Mauro Centritto,2Maria Camilla Baratto,4 Rebecca Pogni,4 and Cecilia Brunetti1,2,*
Metabolomics Analysis of Cistus monspeliensis Leaf Extract on Energy Metabolism Activation in Human Intestinal Cells
Yoichi Shimoda, 1 Junkyu Han, 1 ,2 Kiyokazu Kawada, 1 ,2 Abderrazak Smaoui, 3 and Hiroko Isoda 1 ,2 ,*
Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer
Cistus incanus (CYSTUS052) for treating patients with infection of the upper respiratory tract: A prospective, randomised, placebo-controlled clinical study
In this prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study we aimed to investigate the clinical effect of a Cistus extract (CYSTUS052) in 160 patients with infections of the upper respiratory tract. The extract contains a high percentage of highly polymeric polyphenols. In cell culture and in a mouse model it exerts antiviral and antimicrobial activities. Principal active constituents of the genus Cistus are polyphenolic compounds. Plant-derived polyphenols have been shown to be strong antioxidants with potential health benefits. Various reports have appeared on the antiviral and antibacterial potential, including several reports describing the antiviral activity of polyphenols against influenza virus. Clinical studies on the effectiveness of Cistus incanus are scarce. Only one controlled application observation study demonstrated the effectiveness of a Cistus extract. The present randomised, placebo-controlled clinical study was designed to compare the symptom scores in patients with common cold treated either with CYSTUS052 or with placebo. A score of subjective symptoms decreased significantly over the course of treatment with Cistus, whereas treatment with placebo resulted in a less distinct decrease of symptoms. Among the inflammatory markers investigated, the C-reactive protein was mostly affected by Cistus and decreased significantly in the treatment group.
Cell Biology and Toxicology
April 2000, Volume 16, Issue 2, pp 83–90| Cite as
Antioxidant activity and protective effect on DNA cleavage of extracts from Cistus incanus L. and Cistus monspeliensis L.
The genus Cistus includes many typical species of Mediterranean flora; Cistus species are used as antidiarrheics, as general remedies for treatment of various skin diseases in folk medicine and as anti-inflammatory agents. These species contain flavonoids that are considered to be chain-breaking antioxidants. In this work, we have investigated the effects of crude aqueous extracts from Cistus incanus and Cistus monspeliensis on DNA cleavage and their free-radical scavenging capacity. In addition, their effect on lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes was evaluated. These extracts showed a protective effect on DNA cleavage and a dose-dependent free-radical scavenging capacity; Cistus monspeliensis was more active than Cistus incanus; these results were confirmed by a significant inhibition of lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes. The experimental evidence, therefore, suggests that because of their antioxidant activity these extracts may offer excellent photoprotection for skin and may be useful in the treatment of human diseases where oxidative stress plays a key role.
Here are links to articles on Cystus Incanus:
Cistus Tea: Health Benefits of Cistus Incanus (Rock Rose)
Cistus incanus is a very popular herb that drunk regularly, provides health and a nice look. Cistus tea, due to the high content of polyphenols, strengthens the immune system and adds energy. It inhibits the growth of microorganisms and fungi and soothes inflammation.
In the spring and summer season, it is worth taking interest in this herb because it also protects against ticks.
Check how it's possible.
Cistus incanus - natural protection against ticks for you and your pets
More information coming on my 25 year journey with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, and IBS and the products I've tried!
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