Covid19 - Information sourced & explained by (RobynE)

Here is a detailed list of my e-mails to researchers, facebook postings, and information I sourced and explained in my postings regarding covid19, since the beginning when we in the US found out about it! I have done much research into science and have so much more to add.  Keep checking back!

Sun 2/28/2021 6:53 AM
Robyn Erland  
 © my for wording - I had quite the revelation last night.  I'm sure most ME/CFS patients probably don't remember this.  In the thick of the moment at the Lipkin Multistudy conference in 2012 I know I hadn't. I don't know what prompted me to go back and listen to this but I believe God leads me to these things. In the beginning of this conference we had just been told that XMRV/PMLV research was over. Well that's a long story and you can read about it in the first book by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively, Plague.  I had not remembered what I detail today as so much happened, but what I show is that Lipkin knew XMRV/MLV research was Gain of Function. Something that was stopped for other viruses like corona and flu.  But not for HIV like retroviruses used in research and biologicals that continue to this day.
So what did I discover after so many years since 2012?  I realized that Lipkin knew full well about what he calls "Gain of Function" studies which included in his words XMRV's.  You see they knew XMRV (a mouse/human xenograft) was a chimera. What is that? It is the mixture of animal and human cells that had been grafted together.  Now why does this matter now? It matters because of the current pandemic involving Gain of Function research which used RNA Corona viruses which they are still looking into as the potential cause of Covid19, a current worldwide pandemic.  It also shows that Lipkin knew full well back in 2012, that using mouse and other retroviruses in research and biologicals was dangerous, and the use of them could create big problems in labs and with those working with them, or using them in biologicals.
How did I figure this out?  Well you can go to the video below at around the 7:40 min mark.  I was shocked when I heard Lipkin's answer to Hillary Johnson's question about XMRV chimera's.  At the time we had no idea what gain of function was, and we now know it was stopped for corona viruses in 2014 to 2017 due to safety concerns. Lipkin and Fauci knew too and they both worked with China helping fund those studies when they were paused here ( I also have proof as I found the grants they both provided for research in China).  Not a good choice as we see as China has less control measures and regulations then we do in the US. That's why gain of function was stopped here. 
So what was Hillary Johnsons's question?  She asked Lipkin that since XMRV was  a Chimera that did they find it worrisome, especially now that they had found how easily XMRV can replicate in human cells?  She said especially since researchers were still using mlv's and mouse retroviruses for creating recombinants and vaccine therapies? She asked if this caused people at the NIH, and that maybe Dr. Ruscetti could answer this? if it had caused people at the NIH to be somewhat concerned and alarmed about the fact these recombinants can occur in the lab, that there can be manmade chimera/viruses?
Lipkin's answer: "There's a term that can explain this, it's called "Gain of Function" research"!!!!  
My note: OMG what did he say? He knew XMRV and the use of MLV's were "gain of function" research, and that there were serious implications for creating new never before seen retroviruses which diseases and cancers can come from.  It's in all the past scientific literature, I've found and detailed much of it for years!
Lipkin went on to say this regarding gain of function studies: "It's come upon the context of H5N1". He said "it's being addressed by the scientific community but there was no clear pathway yet".
My note:  WHAT??? they've been using retroviruses in research in labs and in biologicals including vaxxines, they know they are gain of function, and they also know they have had the ability to create new never seen before retroviruses.  They can recombine with other retroviruses both in vitro and invivo (which is both in the body, and in the test tube before it goes in the body). These mouse retroviruses gave mice cancers and neurological/autoimmune diseases. Now can you imagine what they do once put in a new host, say a human? It's like a brand new breeding ground where they can wreak full havoc on the body potentially causing these diseases and cancers that had originally plagued mice. Is this why we have see such an explosion of the diseases and cancers over the years?  Well that is what Judy Mikovits and Frank Ruscetti's hypothesis was.  In fact Dr. Ruscetti likened it to say:  If this were 1983 it would be HIV!  
So according to Lipkin there was no clear pathway regarding the gain of function research but "they were looking into it" (and remember they had already been using the retroviruses in research and biologicals for humans and animals since at least 1930. Chickens also were found to be carrying mouse and mammal retroviruses that came from the fowlpox 1930 vaccine.  I've written extensively about that as well   (see here on the mammal retroviruses found in birds I sourced and detailed since 2011: ) They did have researchers on both sides, some who said Gain of Function research should  end. They had other researchers who said the studies should continue. They eventually decided 2 years later to put a moratorium on them. Lipkin said at the conference that even WHO was involved, so even they knew the danger of gain of function research as well. Lipkin said what prompted them to study the dangers was a particularly virulent influenza that had come from the gain of function research.  So it took two years for them to put a moratorium on gain of function research for corona viruses and I believe the flu. But the gain of function for the use of XMRV's, MLV's and other retroviruses continued.  Why is that when they knew this could produce potentially new disease and cancer causing retroviruses? (and they did know this as I have all the Vaxxine safety meeting minutes where it was discussed and I detailed it at great length. I'll provide the links when I dig them up).  
What else does this mean? Well Lipkin did not deny, when presented with Hillary's question, that the use of xmrv chimera's were a problem to be using in labs, research and biologicals. He actually pointed out that they were described as gain of function research.  Why were the retroviruses not banned in gain of function studies along with the flu and corona?
Well we know the answer to that.  You see it takes you back to when Judy Mikovits told Anthony Fauci  they needed to retrofit all the labs using retroviruses to the same level as HIV labs, known as biolevel 3.  Fauci had told her it was too expensive to retrofit all the labs in the world.  My note:  I guess it was more cost effective to keep using them the way they were, as well as more profitable if you imagine all the medicine, treatments, and cancer therapies that potentially came from all those who've been sickened and stricken with mouse related diseases and cancers!!!!
I have to say it was a shock when I heard those words come out of Lipkins mouth at the Lipkin Multistudy conference back in 2012. I had not remembered it as it was the day ME/CFS research into a retroviral cause died, along with 
many many ME/CFS patients who have suffered and died since then.  Just think if we knew then what we know now about these gain of function studies, and if more scientists had stood up and fought against the use of this practice- they too have all been at risk in those labs! Just maybe all the numerous infections that have come since, all the suffering and all the deaths may have been stopped.  
Now most people don't even know of the plight of the ME/CFS patients. They have been forgotten. Others have no idea how we were in a vicious fight to try and stop the coverup of the use of these mouse retroviruses in research and biologicals. ME/CFS patients were buried the day the Lipkin Multistudy came out as was the research and data. People also don't realize that "one day" after the release of the paper the same shut down of research happened in Asia, China in fact (I have shown that proof too and Fauci was part of looking into that and also the shut down of retrovirally caused ME/CFS in china). You see there were similar studies going on because people in China and other areas of Asia had a more severe form of ME/CFS which was killing them quicker by producing cancers within 5 years.  Whole families were becoming ill by just being in the same room with family members and breathing the same air.  Oh it was found that XMRV could easily transmit through the air and could also infect all cell lines that were housed together if even one cell line contained an mlv/XMRV.  It was found to be AIRBORNE!
Now ME/CFS patients have been long forgotten, and have been left as many times before, to suffer and eventually die or be stricken with cancers which becomes most of their outcomes.  No one even knows how hard they fought to try and save all from being exposed to these mouse retroviruses.  And now we have proof of our answer, which was forever memorialized by Ian Lipkin, who knew in 2012 that the MLV/XMRV research was part of the dangerous "Gain of Function" research. Research that should have ended once they found how easily it could transmit in the air, how easily it could infect human cells, and how easily it could recombine and produce disease and cancers in humans.  They've always known that's why it was covered up as shown here:  Go to the 7:40 mark of the video to hear Hillary's question and Lipkin's response about XMRV/MLV chimera's being gain of function research:  


I sent this India paper to researchers on:

Wed 2/12/2020 8:29 AM
To: *******


the HIV sequences they found are on page 6.


Here's another e-mail I sent to researchers regarding info I found and it shows NIAID grant funds given to Eco Alliance: 

Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2020 11:30 AM
To: *********
Subject: NIAID grants to study corona's in china during the NIH funding pause! non-profits got the grant!

NIAID grants to study corona's in china during the NIH funding pause!

"NEW YORK – June 21, 2017 – EcoHealth Alliance, a global nonprofit organization working at the intersection of environmental, animal and public health, announced a paper published online in the journal Nature, highlighting the first comprehensive analysis of all viruses known to infect mammals. The study shows that bats carry a significantly higher proportion of viruses able to infect people than any other group of mammals; and it identifies the species and geographic regions on the planet with the highest number of yet-to-be discovered, or ‘missing’, viruses likely to infect people. This work provides a new way to predict where and how we should work to identify and pre-empt the next potential viral pandemic before it emerges."

"EcoHealth Alliance’s President and senior author on the study, Dr. Peter Daszak. The paper points out that viral discovery research on wild bats could help prevent pandemics."

"This approach is now being used as part of a multi-country project to identify new viruses in wildlife and help prevent their emergence – the USAID PREDICT program. This work was funded by grants R01AI079231 and R01AI110964 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and from the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats program."


Another e-mail I sent to researchers about the 31 million dollar ME/CFS blood money grant given to Lipkin by Fauci in 2014 after the Multistudy publication. This is the grant number also used in the corona gain of function studies done during the US pause AI109761 (it's also part of the funding given on the Nature 2015 corona gain of function corona paper)

Mon 4/20/2020 12:41 PM



Lipkin and Fauci had it all preset to research the corona's

Columbia Mailman School’s W. Ian Lipkin Receives NIH Grant to Establish a New Center of Excellence for Translational Research

Mar. 10 2014 - W. Ian Lipkin, Director of the Center for Infection and Immunity and John Snow Professor of Epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health, has received an award of up to $31 million over a five-year period by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish the Center for Research in Diagnostics and Discovery (CRDD) under the auspices of a new National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) program entitled Centers of Excellence for Translational Research. The CRDD brings together leading investigators in microbial and human genetics, engineering, microbial ecology and public health to develop insights into mechanisms of disease and methods for detecting infectious agents, characterizing microflora and identifying biomarkers that can be used to guide clinical management.

Other scientists and their institutions include Ken Shepard of Columbia University’s School of Engineering, David Relman of Stanford University, Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina, Michael Katze of the University of Washington, William Karesh of EcoHealth Alliance, Christina Egan of the New York State Department of Health, and Jay Varma of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Here's the grant and on the paper it shows this grant number as one of the funding sources:1U19AI109761-01


The authors were supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services under award number AI106772, AI109761, and AI100625. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

Here is where Lipkin’s NIAID grant funds went to for Baric:  
5 U19 AI109761 05


Click to view Similar Projects

5 U19 AI109761 04



Click to view Similar Projects

5 U19 AI109761 03



Click to view Similar Projects

5 U19 AI109761 02



Click to view Similar Projects

1 U19 AI109761 01


$1,184,414    link won't work. Need to put his last name in baric and this in text for NIH reporter:

Sun 5/3/2020 3:58 PM Robyn Erland (@RobynErland1) Tweeted:

Fauci gave lipkin a grant for 32 million in 2014. Lipkin gave millions of the grant to Ralph Baric of UNC & Eco Alliance Nonprofit for corona virus research during the funding pause.Lipkin went to china week of jan 29th 2020,NIAID AI109761


Here's an e-mail I sent about a paper I found in Feb 2020 where researchers were using SARS and HIV to try to make a SARS vaccine. There are others I dug up where they used the same to try to make HIV vaccines: 

It's no wonder they are finding SARS and HIV-1.  They were using it to try to make a SARS vaccine in 2005 and used a different corona for an HIV vax attempt using HIV-1 as well. Now we have a pandemic in 2020.  


Another e-mail sent to researchers:

Monday, February 3, 2020 2:32 PM
To: *******
Subject:  Look what I found here from 2006 


The paper they took down also talked about the S protein and fusing HIV -1 gp120.  Look at this paper from 2005 it talks about the same thing.  so may they were working on a SARS vaccines or an HIV vax one or the other and it got out both talk about this too:  HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein :


The paper just removed talked about the "S protein" just like this paper here does from 2005: Synthetic peptides corresponding to IDS could induce high titers of S protein–specific antibodies, but none of these antibodies possesses neutralizing activity. These findings suggest that the IDS in S protein may not induce neutralizing antibodies. Whether these antibodies enhance infection by heterologous SARS-CoV strains or mediate harmful immune responses is unclear. The S protein of FIPV expressed by recombinant vaccinia can cause antibody-dependent enhancement of disease if vaccinated animals are subsequently infected with wild-type virus (32). Our previous studies on HIV-1 showed that antibodies against some immunodominant epitopes in the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein could enhance infection by heterologous HIV-1 strains (33). Most recently, Yang et al. (6) demonstrated that the polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against S protein of the late SARS-CoV (Urbani strain) could neutralize infection by the relevant late SARS-CoV strains. However, these antibodies enhanced infection by an early human SARS-CoV isolate (GD03T0013) and the civet SARS-CoV–like viruses. These investigators have shown that the ACE2-binding domain mediates the antibody-dependent enhancement of civet SARS-CoV–like virus entry (6). Theoretically, some antibodies to the ACE2-binding domain may enhance infection if these antibodies closely mimic the receptor ACE2 and induce similar conformational changes, as the receptor likely does. The S protein with truncation at aa 1153 failed to cause antibody-dependent enhancement of infection, although it still induced neutralizing antibodies. This finding suggests that removal of the aa 1153–1194 region may abrogate induction of virus infection–enhancing antibodies (6). Vaccination of ferrets with MVA-based SARS vaccine expressing full-length S protein caused liver damage after animals were challenged with SARS-CoV (34). These findings raised concerns about the efficacy and safety of the vaccines containing or expressing full-length S protein.

SARS Vaccine Development


Robyn Erland

May 5, 2020  · 


Robyn Erland© my wording and sourcing! 

Remember the paper which was done by Ralph Baric of UNC and Shi of the Wuhan lab on bat corona’s? Well I figured out some very interesting things while away. You see this paper was done during a funding pause in 2016 which we know. They used the epithelial lung cells of humans implanted in mice to attach bat corona viruses. This was done to see if they could get the corona to infect human lungs. They were successful. 

Well I figured out some very interesting information. I had found another Corona paper which I traced to Ian Lipkin when he was given a 32 million dollar grant, after the burial of XMRV in ME/CFS. So Lipkin opened up his own vaccine research center at Columbia where he has been using that money for various vaccine research, including corona vaxxine research. So, on Lipkin’s Columbia page awhile back, I showed how Ralph Baric and Eco Alliance a non-profit are also affiliated with Ian Lipkin and this work. In fact, Ralph Baric was also given a huge grant from NIAID Fauci to work on these same studies (they are all listed on Ian Lipkin’s Columbia UNV page. Well I went back and looked at the original Corona Nature paper with the human lung tissue and bat corona. Well guess what both Ian Lipkin’s grant funds from the 32 million, and Ralph Baric’s grant both funded the Nature paper. As well as many studies involving vaccines both at UNC including Wuhan lab. Lipkin’s NIAID grant is this one: 5U19AI109761. And Baric’s grant is this one U19AI107810. You will see them both in the acknowledgments on the Nature paper here: AcKnoWLEDGMEnTS

Research in this manuscript was supported by grants from the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease and the National Institute of Aging of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) under awards U19AI109761(R.S.B.) (Ian Lipkin’s 32 million grant from Fauci), U19AI107810 (Baric’s grant from Fauci)

Make sure below to click all the link’s I provided for the full picture of exactly what they’ve been doing. Fauci says again today that COVID19 could not have been generated from a lab in China. Yeah, we know why he’s trying to take the focus away from the lab in Wuhan as he funded several of these studies. I sent all this info to Judy a couple weeks ago after I traced the grant numbers. So yes, that information came from me! So, as the ME/CFS pateitns all know I cannot stand Fauci as he has caused so much death and destruction in families, mine included. I had found all his HIV and other vaccine messes years ago as well, which I had also passed on to her. It took a long time researching everything I found related to vaxxines years ago, but I pieced together much of Fauci’s mess as well as the messes he made coming from Asia. Things like JE mouse brain vaccines given to the military, as the first one given was in 1930. I have it all on my blog! Take a look at the mess Lipkin has been making using the 32 million dollars grant he received for burying XMRV and the ME/CFS patients who have been dying ever since:

This Ralph Baric NIAID grant is on several of the corona studies: 

U19AI107810 as you’ll see here:

Here is the proof of the grant Fauci gave to Lipkin when he buried us with the xmrv multistudy, 32 million. 

5U19AI109761-05 Contact PI / Project Leader: LIPKIN, W. IAN 


Here are all the studies, many of which are vaxxine trials for things like ebola, zika, and CORONA’s funded by that same Ian Lipkin’s 5U19AI109761-05 NIAID grant that came from fauci:

And look the Ralph Baric grant U19AI107810 also gave funds to do a study with Robert Silverman and Abbott labs in 2016. Wasn't there a pause going on??

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus NS4b Protein Inhibits Host RNase L Activation

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus NS4b Protein Inhibits Host RNase L Activation Joshua M. Thornbrough,a* Babal K. Jha,b* Boyd Yount,c Stephen A. Goldstein,a Yize Li, aRuth Elliott, Amy C. Sims,c Ralph S. Baric,c,d Robert H. Silverman,b Susan R. Weissa

Stay tuned for more of their mess to be revealed!


Robyn Erland

April 8, 2020  · 


Robyn Erland© for my wording - I'm going to explain what's going on with the COVID19 virus according to the Epoch documentary posted below.

The Wuhan lab was being managed by the Chinese military

The virus was found to come from the original SARS virus. It was also found to have a "spike protein". This spike protein is what allowed it to be able to enter human cells. This Dr. Shi at Wuhan also worked with the UNC researchers who were using the spike protein which they knew could cross species to infect other mammals, because these bat corona's cannot by themselves. Could this be why they were silencing doctors and researchers and shutting anyone down and covering data that alluded to this? 

This S protein can target the Ace2 receptors to be able to infect the lungs of humans and make it more pathogenic. This Dr. Shi found the passageway to do this and it is in her 2013 research paper. The virus is said to be a synthetic chimeric virus. As I have posted before the NIH suspended new funding in 2014 using these corona's because of concern from many researchers (they removed th funding pause in Jan 2019). But the NIH funded the UNC and Wuhan research that was started prior to the pause in funding. That's where Fauci had come in, FUNDING! 

The HIV insert India paper was also retracted after the researchers were attacked. It is no surprise that many researchers have used the retroviral vectors in research. They used them for delivering vaccines and immunotherapy directly into cells. I've written about that for years too. HIV GP41 protein is also key to infecting humans. The researchers in Wuhan have not denied using it. 

It's also believed in the Epoch documentary that a graduate student was patients zero and is no longer living. They also said they believe the virus was leaked and they name names for who that is too.


Robyn Erland

March 14, 2020  · 


Robyn Erland© - What I find scary is that Fauci and Redfield are in charge of trying to stop the spread of COVID19. Fauci knew the risk of working with the coronaviruses. Enough so they put in a voluntary moratorium in 2014. That stopped zero research for it. With everything I dug up and discovered about Fauci and Redfields failures with HIV vax trials, such as the new hiv multistrains turning to AIDS within 3 months, and the drug resistant strains. We are all in deep shit with this new SARS related virus. Since they both knew the risks and have been in public health for decades. Why has a pandemic protocol never been put in place? Why was this corona viral research not fully stopped considering the high risk to the public? They are part of the swamp and always have been!


Robyn Erland

March 14, 2020  

Robyn Erland

Here’s the 2015 paper where they were testing to see if they could create coronavirus with a spike protein to infect the human airway. This so they could test a vaccine for it. It didn’t work and they realized the risk of messing around with these viruses might not be worth the risk of working with them in research. Interesting now what is spreading around the world: “ On the basis of these findings, scientific review panels may deem similar studies building chimeric viruses based on circulating strains too risky to pursue, as increased pathogenicity in mammalian models cannot be excluded. Coupled with restrictions on mouse-adapted strains and the development of monoclonal antibodies using escape mutants, research into CoV emergence and therapeutic efficacy may be severely limited moving forward. Together, these data and restrictions represent a crossroads of GOF research concerns; the potential to prepare for and mitigate future outbreaks must be weighed against the risk of creating more dangerous pathogens. In developing policies moving forward, it is important to consider the value of the data generated by these studies and whether these types of chimeric virus studies warrant further investigation versus the inherent risks involved.

Overall, our approach has used metagenomics data to identify a potential threat posed by the circulating bat SARS-like CoV SHC014. Because of the ability of chimeric SHC014 viruses to replicate in human airway cultures, cause pathogenesis in vivo and escape current therapeutics, there is a need for both surveillance and improved therapeutics against circulating SARS-like viruses. Our approach also unlocks the use of metagenomics data to predict viral emergence and to apply this knowledge in preparing to treat future emerging virus infections.


Viruses, cells, in vitro infection and plaque assays.

Wild-type SARS-CoV (Urbani), mouse-adapted SARS-CoV (MA15) and chimeric SARS-like CoVs were cultured on Vero E6 cells (obtained from United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases), grown in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) (Gibco, CA) and 5% fetal clone serum (FCS) (Hyclone, South Logan, UT) along with antibiotic/antimycotic (Gibco, Carlsbad, CA). DBT cells (Baric laboratory, source unknown) expressing ACE2 orthologs have been previously described for both human and civet; bat Ace2 sequence was based on that from Rhinolophus leschenaulti, and DBT cells expressing bat Ace2 were established as described previously8. Pseudotyping experiments were similar to those using an HIV-based pseudovirus, prepared as previously described10, and examined on HeLa cells (Wuhan Institute of Virology) that expressed ACE2 orthologs. HeLa cells were grown in minimal essential medium (MEM) (Gibco, CA) supplemented with 10% FCS (Gibco, CA) as previously described24. Growth curves in Vero E6, DBT, Calu-3 2B4 and primary human airway epithelial cells were performed as previously described8,25. None of the working cell line stocks were authenticated or tested for mycoplasma recently, although the original seed stocks used to create the working stocks are free from contamination. Human lungs for HAE cultures were procured under University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Institutional Review Board–approved protocols. HAE cultures represent highly differentiated human airway epithelium containing ciliated and non-ciliated epithelial cells as well as goblet cells. The cultures are also grown on an air-liquid interface for several weeks before use, as previously described26. Briefly, cells were washed with PBS and inoculated with virus or mock-diluted in PBS for 40 min at 37 °C. After inoculation, cells were washed three times and fresh medium was added to signify time '0'. Three or more biological replicates were harvested at each described time point. No blinding was used in any sample collections nor were samples randomized. All virus cultivation was performed in a biosafety level (BSL) 3 laboratory with redundant fans in the biosafety cabinets, as described previously by our group2. All personnel wore powered air purifying respirators (Breathe Easy, 3M) with Tyvek suits, aprons and booties and were double-gloved.” 


Robyn Erland

Do you think any of the studies could unleash from labs? How about any done in China with fewer regulations? References

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27 Roberts, A. et al. A mouse-adapted SARS-coronavirus causes disease and mortality in BALB/c mice. PLoS Pathog. 3, e5.



Moratorium on risky virology studies leaves work at 14 institutions in limbo
Robyn Erland

The National Institutes of Health revealed it is investigating the Chinese lab where the coronavirus outbreak is speculated to have emerged, in a letter to a research facility that supplied US tax dollars to the lab, according to a report.

Dr. Michael Lauer, the deputy director for extramural research at the NIH, wrote a letter dated April 19 to Kevin Olival of EcoHealth Alliance and Naomi Schrag of Columbia University informing them of the probe, Breitbart reported Monday.

The letter noted that EcoHealth Alliance received an NIH grant titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergency.”

“It is our understanding that one of the sub-recipients of the grant funds is the Wuhan Institute of Virology (‘WIV’). It is our understanding that WIV studies the interaction between corona viruses and bats. The scientific community believes that the coronavirus causing COVID-19 jumped from bats to humans likely in Wuhan where the COVID-19 pandemic began,” said Lauer’s letter, which was obtained by Breitbart.

“There are now allegations that the current crisis was precipitated by the release from WIV of the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. Given these concerns, we are pursuing suspension of WIV from participation in Federal programs,” it continued.

The NIH said that as it reviews “these allegations during the period of suspension,” 


NIH investigating Wuhan lab at center of coronavirus pandemic

Robyn Erland

Robyn Erland

May 5, 2020  · 


Robyn Erland© my wording and sourcing! 

Remember the paper which was done by Ralph Baric of UNC and Shi of the Wuhan lab on bat corona’s? Well I figured out some very interesting things while away. You see this paper was done during a funding pause in 2016 which we know. They used the epithelial lung cells of humans implanted in mice to attach bat corona viruses. This was done to see if they could get the corona to infect human lungs. They were successful. 

Well I figured out some very interesting information. I had found another Corona paper which I traced to Ian Lipkin when he was given a 32 million dollar grant, after the burial of XMRV in ME/CFS. So Lipkin opened up his own vaccine research center at Columbia where he has been using that money for various vaccine research, including corona vaxxine research. So, on Lipkin’s Columbia page awhile back, I showed how Ralph Baric and Eco Alliance a non-profit are also affiliated with Ian Lipkin and this work. In fact, Ralph Baric was also given a huge grant from NIAID Fauci to work on these same studies (they are all listed on Ian Lipkin’s Columbia UNV page. Well I went back and looked at the original Corona Nature paper with the human lung tissue and bat corona. Well guess what both Ian Lipkin’s grant funds from the 32 million, and Ralph Baric’s grant both funded the Nature paper. As well as many studies involving vaccines both at UNC including Wuhan lab. Lipkin’s NIAID grant is this one: 5U19AI109761. And Baric’s grant is this one U19AI107810. You will see them both in the acknowledgments on the Nature paper here: AcKnoWLEDGMEnTS

Research in this manuscript was supported by grants from the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease and the National Institute of Aging of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) under awards U19AI109761(R.S.B.) (Ian Lipkin’s 32 million grant from Fauci), U19AI107810 (Baric’s grant from Fauci)

Make sure below to click all the link’s I provided for the full picture of exactly what they’ve been doing. Fauci says again today that COVID19 could not have been generated from a lab in China. Yeah, we know why he’s trying to take the focus away from the lab in Wuhan as he funded several of these studies. I sent all this info to Judy M. a couple weeks ago after I traced the grant numbers. So, as the ME/CFS patients all know I cannot stand Fauci as he has caused so much death and destruction in families, mine included. I had found all his HIV and other vaccine messes years ago as well, which I had also passed on to Judy M. It took a long time researching everything I found related to vaxxines years ago, but I pieced together much of Fauci’s mess as well as the messes he made coming from Asia. Things like JE mouse brain vaccines given to the military, as the first one given was in 1930. I have it all on my blog! Take a look at the mess Lipkin has been making using the 32 million dollars grant he received for burying XMRV and the ME/CFS patients who have been dying ever since:

This Ralph Baric NIAID grant is on several of the corona studies: 

U19AI107810 as you’ll see here:

Here is the proof of the grant Fauci gave to Lipkin when he buried us with the xmrv multistudy, 32 million. 

5U19AI109761-05 Contact PI / Project Leader: LIPKIN, W. IAN 


Here are all the studies, many of which are vaxxine trials for things like ebola, zika, and CORONA’s funded by that same Ian Lipkin’s 5U19AI109761-05 NIAID grant that came from fauci:

And look the Ralph Baric grant U19AI107810 also gave funds to do a study with Robert Silverman and Abbott labs in 2016. Wasn't there a pause going on??

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus NS4b Protein Inhibits Host RNase L Activation

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus NS4b Protein Inhibits Host RNase L Activation Joshua M. Thornbrough,a* Babal K. Jha,b* Boyd Yount,c Stephen A. Goldstein,a Yize Li, aRuth Elliott, Amy C. Sims,c Ralph S. Baric,c,d Robert H. Silverman,b Susan R. Weissa

Stay tuned for more of their mess to be revealed!




Robyn Erland

October 9, 2020  · 


Robyn Erland © for my wording - Here's something that was brought to my attention. So researcher Zhengli Shi from the Wuhan lab did a paper in 2012 where she supposedly looked for viruses in various bats feces. Interestingly she claims to have found 5 mouse gammaretroviruses in them. Here is what she claimed to have found:

Retro-transcribing viruses Retroviridae; unclassified Retroviridae; Human endogenous retrovirus

HERV-H/env60 1

1. Amphotropic murine leukemia virus 1

2. Moloney murine sarcoma virus 1 

3. Xenotropic MuLV-related virus VP62 1

4. Moloney murine leukemia virus 5 

5. Friend murine leukemia virus 1

The most interesting part of this is she found XMRV/VP62 in them. How is that possible since it's a lab contaminant? The explanation is the mouse retroviruses had to come from the cell lines. As we know from what was found in 2011, researchers found numerous mouse mlv retroviruses in various cell lines that should not have been in them. They believed they had become airborne in the labs and had transmit into other cells lines housed together. I also found in 2012 where researchers had also found that the whole database of cell lines lines were mislabeled or contained the wrong cells. Some human cell lines contained animal cells. This was so bad they had to throw out all the cell lines and start over. You can find the databases here:

We now know that Fauci's USAMRID cell line Vero E6 was used in China in these bat studies. Vero E6 contains african green monkey cells which contain monkey HIV called SIV, it also very likely was contaminated with XMRV/VP62 and other mouse retroviruses from airborne transmission. China also does not have the strict guidelines nor the regulations we have in the US. This is why Gain of Function research was done in china during the US funding pause that had been in place do to safety concerns brought up by US scientists. 

Now what purpose could these mouse gammaretroviruses serve by showing up in the bats? Well there are a couple scenarios or it could be both. So could the bats be blamed for harboring the mouse retroviruses? Could it be said they are spreading them, versus the creating of airborne versions coming from the labs? How about the fact they could be used to create new corona illnesses like we are seeing with covid19? Was this being set up for the possible release of more new corona viral illnesses to come? Could this paper have been used as a coverup for lab mistakes? Could more lethal corona viruses emerge because it could then be said that the bats are harboring the retroviral pathogens? Or are both scenarios possible? I think so. Here's the 2012 paper:

Metagenomic Analysis of Viruses from the Bat Fecal Samples Reveals Many Novel Viruses in Insectivorous Bats in China

Go to the supplement info link showing the retroviruses, viruses and other pathogens they say they found in their feces. 


Robyn Erland

February Feb 3 2020

Sourced Robyn Erland - I had missed this article but I knew of most of this. I think it deserves reposting. It talks about how it was Fauci's NIAID who helped fund gain of function studies in Wuhan.These studies were stopped in the US because of safety concerns in 2014 but were restarted in 2017. According to this article Fauci defends the gain of function studies. I have to wonder why they were looking to attach bat viruses to human lung tissue to try and study potential pandemics. Especially in china with way less regulations. The studies I had discovered while researching the grant funds were done by Eco Alliance, a nonprofi, and a Wuhan researcher Shi. I have to wonder why they would study viruses that normally cannot infect humans, then render them able to infect humans and run the risk of starting a a potential pandemic? That does not make sense. Other US scientists worried about the same thing. And interesting that we now have a pandemic:
"The NIH research consisted of two parts. The first part began in 2014 and involved surveillance of bat coronaviruses, and had a budget of $3.7 million. The program funded Shi Zheng-Li, a virologist at the Wuhan lab, and other researchers to investigate and catalogue bat coronaviruses in the wild. This part of the project was completed in 2019.
A second phase of the project, beginning that year, included additional surveillance work but also gain-of-function research for the purpose of understanding how bat coronaviruses could mutate to attack humans. The project was run by EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit research group, under the direction of President Peter Daszak, an expert on disease ecology. NIH canceled the project just this past Friday, April 24th, Politico reported. Daszak did not immediately respond to Newsweek requests for comment. 
The project proposal states: "We will use S protein sequence data, infectious clone technology, in vitro and in vivo infection experiments and analysis of receptor binding to test the hypothesis that % divergence thresholds in S protein sequences predict spillover potential."

In layman's terms, "spillover potential" refers to the ability of a virus to jump from animals to humans, which requires that the virus be able to attach to receptors in the cells of humans. SARS-CoV-2, for instance, is adept at binding to the ACE2 receptor in human lungs and other organs.

According to Richard Ebright, an infectious disease expert at Rutgers University, the project description refers to experiments that would enhance the ability of bat coronavirus to infect human cells and laboratory animals using techniques of genetic engineering. In the wake of the pandemic, that is a noteworthy detail.
Ebright, along with many other scientists, has been a vocal opponent of gain-of-function research because of the risk it presents of creating a pandemic through accidental release from a lab.

Dr. Fauci is renowned for his work on the HIV/AIDS crisis in the 1990s. Born in Brooklyn, he graduated first in his class from Cornell University Medical College in 1966. As head of NIAID since 1984, he has served as an adviser to every U.S. president since Ronald Reagan.

A decade ago, during a controversy over gain-of-function research on bird-flu viruses, Dr. Fauci played an important role in promoting the work. He argued that the research was worth the risk it entailed because it enables scientists to make preparations, such as investigating possible anti-viral medications, that could be useful if and when a pandemic occurred.

The work in question was a type of gain-of-function research that involved taking wild viruses and passing them through live animals until they mutate into a form that could pose a pandemic threat. Scientists used it to take a virus that was poorly transmitted among humans and make it into one that was highly transmissible—a hallmark of a pandemic virus. This work was done by infecting a series of ferrets, allowing the virus to mutate until a ferret that hadn't been deliberately infected contracted the disease.
The work entailed risks that worried even seasoned researchers. More than 200 scientists called for the work to be halted. The problem, they said, is that it increased the likelihood that a pandemic would occur through a laboratory accident.
Dr. Fauci defended the work. "[D]etermining the molecular Achilles' heel of these viruses can allow scientists to identify novel antiviral drug targets that could be used to prevent infection in those at risk or to better treat those who become infected," wrote Fauci and two co-authors in the Washington Post on December 30, 2011. "Decades of experience tells us that disseminating information gained through biomedical research to legitimate scientists and health officials provides a critical foundation for generating appropriate countermeasures and, ultimately, protecting the public health."

Nevertheless, in 2014, under pressure from the Obama administration, the National of Institutes of Health instituted a moratorium on the work, suspending 21 studies.
Three years later, though—in December 2017—the NIH ended the moratorium and the second phase of the NIAID project, which included the gain-of-function research, began. The NIH established a framework for determining how the research would go forward: scientists have to get approval from a panel of experts, who would decide whether the risks were justified.

The reviews were indeed conducted—but in secret, for which the NIH has drawn criticism. In early 2019, after a reporter for Science magazine discovered that the NIH had approved two influenza research projects that used gain of function methods, scientists who oppose this kind of research excoriated the NIH in an editorial in the Washington Post.

"We have serious doubts about whether these experiments should be conducted at all," wrote Tom Inglesby of Johns Hopkins University and Marc Lipsitch of Harvard. "[W]ith deliberations kept behind closed doors, none of us will have the opportunity to understand how the government arrived at these decisions or to judge the rigor and integrity of that process."

Robyn Erland

May 28 2021 at 11:09 AM  · 


Robyn Erland sourced and explained - How were bat corona viruses made to easily infect ACE2 receptor in human airways you ask? Well according to Dr. Yan and (Shi at the wuhan lab explained herself) an HIV psuedoviral chimeric did the trick. Dr. Yan references how Dr. Shi accomplished it in this 2008 paper and notice the words: "In this study, we investigated the receptor usage of the SL-CoV S by combining a (HIV) human immunodeficiency virus-based pseudovirus system with cell lines expressing the ACE2 molecules of human, civet, or horseshoe bat." 

My note: So Human Immunodeficiency Virus is HIV for those who were unsure. Shi claims to have successfully attached the bat corona (never done before as they never could infect human lungs till this study was done) and she used a pseudo virus using HIV to do it! She also references using those same measures in the Nature GOF 2015 corona paper showing it was done again! I will reference that info after you see the original 2008 wording showing that it was done first in Shi's paper here:


Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by the SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV), which uses angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as its receptor for cell entry. A group of SARS-like CoVs (SL-CoVs) has been identified in horseshoe bats. SL-CoVs and SARS-CoVs share identical genome organizations and high sequence identities, with the main exception of the N terminus of the spike protein (S), known to be responsible for receptor binding in CoVs. In this study, we investigated the receptor usage of the SL-CoV S by combining a human immunodeficiency virus-based pseudovirus system with cell lines expressing the ACE2 molecules of human, civet, or horseshoe bat. In addition to full-length S of SL-CoV and SARS-CoV, a series of S chimeras was constructed by inserting different sequences of the SARS-CoV S into the SL-CoV S backbone. Several important observations were made from this study. First, the SL-CoV S was unable to use any of the three ACE2 molecules as its receptor. Second, the SARS-CoV S failed to enter cells expressing the bat ACE2. Third, the chimeric S covering the previously defined receptor-binding domain gained its ability to enter cells via human ACE2, albeit with different efficiencies for different constructs. Fourth, a minimal insert region (amino acids 310 to 518) was found to be sufficient to convert the SL-CoV S from non-ACE2 binding to human ACE2 binding, indicating that the SL-CoV S is largely compatible with SARS-CoV S protein both in structure and in function. The significance of these findings in relation to virus origin, virus recombination, and host switching is discussed. 

Use of huACE2, pcACE2, and bat RpACE2 for cell entry by different pseudoviruses.

When HIV/Rp3-S pseudovirus was used to infect HeLa cells expressing huACE2, pcACE2, or RpACE2, only a low level of luciferase activity (approximately 100 relative light units, the same as the background level generated by the vector control) was obtained (Fig. ​(Fig.6).6). In contrast, when the BJ01-S-typed pseudovirus was used, high levels of luciferase activity (more than 105 relative light units) were detected in the cell lysates of HeLa-huACE2 and HeLa-pcACE2 (Fig. 6A and ðŸ˜Ž, but not in HeLa-RpACE2 (Fig. ​(Fig.6C).6C). Interestingly, the pseudovirus packaged with a CS protein, HIV/CS14-608, displayed a level of luciferase activity similar to that of HIV/BJ01-S (Fig. ​(Fig.6A).6A). As expected from the above-mentioned Western blot and EM analyses, HIV/CS424-494, in which the RBM of BJ01-S was transferred into the Rp3-S backbone, failed to produce luciferase activity above the background level in any of the three ACE2-expressing HeLa cell lines.

Dr. Yan references (I'll provide her paper in comments) how Shi was able to attach the corona using HIV pseudo virus in her paper here ( the paper reference 47 is Shi's 2008 paper where for the first time ever she used HIV to attach a bat corona to human ACE2 airway cells). From Yan's paper: "In 2008, Dr. Zhengli Shi’s group swapped a SARS RBM into the Spike proteins of several SARS-like bat coronaviruses after introducing a restriction site into a codon-optimized spike gene (Figure 5C)47" 

Now the reference to using the HIV pseudo virus from previous studies done by Shi"s is referenced in the GOF Nature 2015 study here:

"Pseudotyping experiments were similar to those using an HIV-based pseudovirus, prepared as previously described10, and examined on HeLa cells (Wuhan Institute of Virology) that expressed ACE2 orthologs." (my note: they used the same HIV based pseudo virus for this paper and then examined those hiv cells attached to human cells in the WUHAN LAB). So to spell it out HIV vector was the factor that allowed a bat coronavirus to have the ability to infect human airway cells. And Fauci and Ian Lipkin funded the 2015 study!

Dr. Yan's paper:


(PDF) Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route

Robyn Erland

May 13 2021 at 9:40 PM  · 


Well this is interesting. This is a very important part of the Shi/Baric 2015 paper that was done during the gain of function pause in the US. This shows the cell line came from Ft. Dietrick, the Vero-6 monkey cell line which carries SIV or monkey HIV. But She also describes using an HIV pseudovirus which makes the corona more easily infect human airway epithelial cells known as (lung tissue): 

"Viruses, cells, in vitro infection and plaque assays. Wild-type SARS-CoV (Urbani), mouse-adapted SARS-CoV (MA15) and chimeric SARS-like CoVs were cultured on Vero E6 cells (obtained from United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases), grown in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) (Gibco, CA) and 5% fetal clone serum (FCS) (Hyclone, South Logan, UT) along with antibiotic/antimycotic (Gibco, Carlsbad, CA). DBT cells (Baric laboratory, source unknown) expressing ACE2 orthologs have been previously described for both human and civet; bat Ace2 sequence was based on that from Rhinolophus leschenaulti, and DBT cells expressing batAce2 were established as described previously8. Pseudotyping experiments were similar to those using an HIV-based pseudovirus, prepared as previously described10, and examined on HeLa cells (Wuhan Institute of Virology) that expressed ACE2 orthologs. HeLa cells were grown in minimal essential medium (MEM) (Gibco, CA) supplemented with 10% FCS (Gibco, CA) as previously described24. Growth curves in Vero E6, DBT, Calu-3 2B4 and primary human airway epithelial cells were performed as previously described8,25. None of the working cell line stocks were authenticated or tested for mycoplasma recently, although the original seed stocks used to create the working stocks are free from contamination. Human lungs for HAE cultures were procured under University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Institutional Review Board–approved proto- cols. HAE cultures represent highly differentiated human airway epithelium containing ciliated and non-ciliated epithelial cells as well as goblet cells. The cultures are also grown on an air-liquid interface for several weeks before use, as previously described26. Briefly, cells were washed with PBS and inocu- lated with virus or mock-diluted in PBS for 40 min at 37 °C. After inoculation, cells were washed three times and fresh medium was added to signify time ‘0’. Three or more biological replicates were harvested at each described time point. No blinding was used in any sample collections nor were samples randomized. All virus cultivation was performed in a biosafety level (BSL) 3 laboratory with redundant fans in the biosafety cabinets, as described previously by our group2. All personnel wore powered air purifying respirators (Breathe Easy, 3M) with Tyvek suits, aprons and booties and were double-gloved."

This was the outcome of this study based on all the manipulations of cells to create a novel spike protein:

"On the basis of these findings, we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations."

The in essence created a more lethal virus tat attached to human lungs and used HIV psuedovirus to do it. Sound familiar??


Robyn Erland

May 28 2021at 11:09 AM  · 


Robyn Erland sourced and explained - How were bat corona viruses made to easily infect ACE2 receptor in human airways you ask? Well according to Dr. Yan and (Shi at the wuhan lab explained herself) an HIV psuedoviral chimeric did the trick. Dr. Yan references how Dr. Shi accomplished it in this 2008 paper and notice the words: "In this study, we investigated the receptor usage of the SL-CoV S by combining a (HIV) human immunodeficiency virus-based pseudovirus system with cell lines expressing the ACE2 molecules of human, civet, or horseshoe bat." 

My note: So Human Immunodeficiency Virus is HIV for those who were unsure. Shi claims to have successfully attached the bat corona (never done before as they never could infect human lungs till this study was done) and she used a pseudo virus using HIV to do it! She also references using those same measures in the Nature GOF 2015 corona paper showing it was done again! I will reference that info after you see the original 2008 wording showing that it was done first in Shi's paper here:


Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by the SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV), which uses angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as its receptor for cell entry. A group of SARS-like CoVs (SL-CoVs) has been identified in horseshoe bats. SL-CoVs and SARS-CoVs share identical genome organizations and high sequence identities, with the main exception of the N terminus of the spike protein (S), known to be responsible for receptor binding in CoVs. In this study, we investigated the receptor usage of the SL-CoV S by combining a human immunodeficiency virus-based pseudovirus system with cell lines expressing the ACE2 molecules of human, civet, or horseshoe bat. In addition to full-length S of SL-CoV and SARS-CoV, a series of S chimeras was constructed by inserting different sequences of the SARS-CoV S into the SL-CoV S backbone. Several important observations were made from this study. First, the SL-CoV S was unable to use any of the three ACE2 molecules as its receptor. Second, the SARS-CoV S failed to enter cells expressing the bat ACE2. Third, the chimeric S covering the previously defined receptor-binding domain gained its ability to enter cells via human ACE2, albeit with different efficiencies for different constructs. Fourth, a minimal insert region (amino acids 310 to 518) was found to be sufficient to convert the SL-CoV S from non-ACE2 binding to human ACE2 binding, indicating that the SL-CoV S is largely compatible with SARS-CoV S protein both in structure and in function. The significance of these findings in relation to virus origin, virus recombination, and host switching is discussed. 

Use of huACE2, pcACE2, and bat RpACE2 for cell entry by different pseudoviruses.

When HIV/Rp3-S pseudovirus was used to infect HeLa cells expressing huACE2, pcACE2, or RpACE2, only a low level of luciferase activity (approximately 100 relative light units, the same as the background level generated by the vector control) was obtained (Fig. ​(Fig.6).6). In contrast, when the BJ01-S-typed pseudovirus was used, high levels of luciferase activity (more than 105 relative light units) were detected in the cell lysates of HeLa-huACE2 and HeLa-pcACE2 (Fig. 6A and ðŸ˜Ž, but not in HeLa-RpACE2 (Fig. ​(Fig.6C).6C). Interestingly, the pseudovirus packaged with a CS protein, HIV/CS14-608, displayed a level of luciferase activity similar to that of HIV/BJ01-S (Fig. ​(Fig.6A).6A). As expected from the above-mentioned Western blot and EM analyses, HIV/CS424-494, in which the RBM of BJ01-S was transferred into the Rp3-S backbone, failed to produce luciferase activity above the background level in any of the three ACE2-expressing HeLa cell lines.

Dr. Yan references (I'll provide her paper in comments) how Shi was able to attach the corona using HIV pseudo virus in her paper here ( the paper reference 47 is Shi's 2008 paper where for the first time ever she used HIV to attach a bat corona to human ACE2 airway cells). From Yan's paper: "In 2008, Dr. Zhengli Shi’s group swapped a SARS RBM into the Spike proteins of several SARS-like bat coronaviruses after introducing a restriction site into a codon-optimized spike gene (Figure 5C)47" 

Now the reference to using the HIV pseudo virus from previous studies done by Shi"s is referenced in the GOF Nature 2015 study here:

"Pseudotyping experiments were similar to those using an HIV-based pseudovirus, prepared as previously described10, and examined on HeLa cells (Wuhan Institute of Virology) that expressed ACE2 orthologs." (my note: they used the same HIV based pseudo virus for this paper and then examined those hiv cells attached to human cells in the WUHAN LAB). So to spell it out HIV vector was the factor that allowed a bat coronavirus to have the ability to infect human airway cells. And Fauci and Ian Lipkin funded the 2015 study!


May 28 2021 Robyn Erland

So this part right here in the 2008 Shi paper says the chimeric pseudo virus she made using hiv was constructed within the SPIKE PROTEIN of the corona virus: SL-CoVs and SARS-CoVs share identical genome organizations and high sequence identities, with the main exception of the N terminus of the spike protein (S), known to be responsible for receptor binding in CoVs. In this study, we investigated the receptor usage of the SL-CoV S by combining a human immunodeficiency virus-based pseudovirus system with cell lines expressing the ACE2 molecules of human, civet, or horseshoe bat. In addition to full-length S of SL-CoV and SARS-CoV, a series of S chimeras was constructed by inserting different sequences of the SARS-CoV S into the SL-CoV S backbone. My note: Now what are being produced in every cell of peoples bodies from the spike protein gene therapy Shot. Which would have the hiv pseudo virus coding???






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My Path  Psalm 119:105  105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.  ...